CS3710P Fall 2020: Nour Hajjar

What did I do this past week?
I was working on Voting project. I implemented the simplest solution then I apply more optimized solution in which I passed two of the tests on HackerRank. I finishd most of the workflow steps for this project and I submitted paper 5. Also, I was working on Preemptive Threads project for my cs439 class.
What’s in my way?
I have to finish and submit the Voting project as well as the Preemptive Threads project for my cs439 class.
What will I do next week?
I will submit the Voting project, read next paper, and do next blog. I will review pointer lecture notes and rewatch their lectures to avoid any confusion in the future.
What was my experience with values, addresses, references, and consts?
I had some experience with values, addresses, references, and consts but I never learned them in more deapth as Dr. Downing explained them in lectures. Honestly, for the first time they became clear to me. Now, it is just a matter of practice.
What made me happy this week?
Actually just knowing my brother is moving to Austin soon was a very good news to me.
What’s your pick-of-the-week or tip-of-the-week?
My pick-of-the-week is a new tool called “C.O.B.R.A eye” developed by AppsDoctors on the AppStore that would monitor marketplaces for keywords of your selection and therefore you will be the first to get notified in your city about something posted that has any of these keywords. Works amazing if you are a reseller and you have competitions in your city. My tip-of-the -week is something that someone told me and that would apply for all fields but works perfectly for software developers and that is: work on something that would take little bit time from you everyday, but would build up on the long-term to the point that if someone looked at your final results, he/she would say how long it is going to take me to do the same! Those kind of projects are hard to imitate which makes your projects unique.