CS371p Fall 2020: Nour Hajjar

What did you do this past week?
I finished the Voting project and turned it in, reviewed pointer lectures, read assigned paper on perusall, and I finished the project for my CS439 class.
What’s in your way?
Understanding the allocator project and start working on it. The concept is very similar to what I implelemnted in my CS439 class two weeks ago. Also, I need to do some debugging for this week’s project in CS439 to pass all given tests.
What will you do next week?
Finishing the Allocator project, do the next blog, read next paper, and review all material we covered in OOP to be ready for the first exam. Also, I need to finish the next project for my other class.
If you read it, what did you think of Why Is Silicon Valley So Awful to Women?
Even though some companies are taking some actions to provide more diverse environment, it is odd to know that this still a matter nowadays. This kind of mind-closed way in work, would let the tech indusrty loses briliiant women minds who can bring more success and improvements to the table which men might not reached or thought about. Honestly, many people I knew changed their whole carrier after working in some companies that have dissociable and sick environments which also one of the reasons most employees won’t last in a single tech company for a long-time.
What was your experience of arrays, equal(), and iterators?
implementing generic equal() was kind of new to me, but all three concepts were familiar to me as I used them back in CS314. It just a matter of C++ syntax and pointers more specifically .
What made you happy this week?
After spending some time, I was able to figure out a solution for a major obsticle in the app I’m working on. That was a headache that finally I was happy to treat.
What’s your tip-of-the-week?
Nowadays it is stuggle to make a start up recognized, but considering that the only resource we have is the knowledge, I think there is a way to work on this and that is by time-popularity trade off which means we use the knowledge we have to create some work for free but in return we get popularity from the one we are doing the work for. For all start ups it just is a matter of attention to be successful. The one who grabs the attention is the one who wins. Sometimes income does not have to be tangible!